Sustainability and Environment

Sustainability and Environment

by admin

Our planet’s biggest challenge is the illusion that someone else will rescue it. Not producing stuff is the most sustainable approach. The second most sustainable approach to solve a problem that has not been solved is to create something useful. The GE sustainable Living Initiative seeks to decouple our development and maximize our positive social impact from our environmental footprint. Our Agenda has three main priorities to fulfill, underpinned by promises and strategies that extend the value chain through our social, environmental and economic success. We will continue to collaborate with others and concentrate on ways where we will make the most difference to promote the Sustainable Development Strategies of the United Nations (SDGs).

Golden Enterprise is building a business the world can be proud of, around 35 years back wonderful and a thoughtful team of GE started a journey to become the world most sustainable business and in order to prove this the growth doesn’t have to come at the detriment of the earth and the people. GE has planned to present its platform to help the startups, new ventures and people from all over the globe to take the step forward by trusting GE and establish their business. GE is committed to serve all the new ventures and startups with our best services as per our designed protocols and strategies.

At GE providing a sustainable living is one of the major and a prioritize mission; for which we looked at every part of our supply chain and framed our strategies around major priorities that we understood were at the root of the global agenda for sustainable growth. We then underpinned those priorities with perhaps the most detailed range of sustainability targets ever set by any organization of our scale.

In order to decouple our prosperity from our environmental footprint, the sustainable living initiative of Golden enterprise seeks to maximize its positive social impact. We conclude that the business must be purpose-driven and fit for the future, and that it must drive superior efficiency. Our new compass, a single sustainable business plan focused on three fundamental values, will be pursued to get there; the new compass of GE believes that the brands with purpose, the communities with purpose and the people with purpose will thrive and last for long.

Golden enterprise is trying to use the best of industry to create the future that we all want to see. A company of which the world should be proud; but while a great deal has been done; we still have work to do!